intuition & resistance… or a morning with the freedman family

earlier in the fall i received an email. A family was coming to hornby all together to celebrate the holidays & wondered if i could possibly do a session with them all on dec.24th. I always say no to holiday jobs. I have kids & a big extended family & it’s a sweet time of year to take a break from all things work’ish. And yet, i said yes, i’d be happy to photograph them all when they were here. Intuition.

fast forward to the 23rd… the rains come. It’s dark & windy, the rain is sometimes horizontal. Tomorrow will be the day before christmas. I don’t want to work… i want to be lazy, hang about with my family, eat, bake some goodies, wrap presents. What was i thinking??? Resistance sets in. Nevertheless, on the 24th morning i pack up my gear & drive off to meet the freedmans. Within minutes of walking in the door, my camera is in hand & the resistance melts away into a sweet sense of knowing this is just the right place to be, with just the right people. All is well. Much fun was had & captured & i went home a little lighter. Unexpected gifts.

here’s a little wander through our time together…